The new site keeps shaping up, but at the same time the finish line keeps receeding into the distance. It's turning out to be some good luck that I am showing it to someone on Wednesday morning (someone who might use the system for their own project.) This is forcing me to simplify in order to have something working reasonably well to show them. I think this will turn out to be a good thing. Focus is important. Programming for your own needs is sure fun, but it's hard to put an end to things. Projects tend to sprawl out of control. Always one more thing. This deadline, although a little ridiculous for coming so early in development, is really helping things along. I can't wait to show this all to someone, yet I know no one will be as excited by it as I am.

Is this like routing too loud for your kid at a little league game?

I could only sleep a few hours last night. It's very hard to stop thinking about all this after working on it for every minute of the day. On the plus side, I seem to come up with some good ideas very late at night.
- jim 3-19-2001 6:03 pm

get to work:>)--see you at the tasting manana
- Skinny 3-20-2001 12:05 am

You should do that though, it'll make you laugh if it happens just right, stepped back far enough from yourself to see an idea perform on its own, and you in bermudas on bleachers proudern' all get out, screaming at the top of your lungs--"that's my boy, that's my boy!"
- jimlouis 3-20-2001 12:55 am

computers route, proud papas root. maybe youre somewhere in between.
- dave 3-20-2001 12:59 am

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