Sitting here at my desk I can look out the window (assuming I open the blinds which I will admit often doesn't happen) and see the World Trade Center. No, I can't see Bill's office; he's on the other side. But I can see the thing. Bam. Right there. If I go up on the roof, and stand precariously close to the front right corner of the building, and crane my neck just right, I can also see the Empire State Building and the very top (damn you Red Square) of the Chrysler Building.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, every time I see these behemoths I think "why doesn't someone start offering two way wireless broadband served off the top of one of these giant things?" It's almost like they were made for this purpose. All you would need is a line of sight (see above) and a small satellite type dish (something the size of a direct TV dish,) and you'd be cruising in style. Forget you're puny DSL line (well, unless you've got the 1.5 Mb/s connection,) this thing will fly. And while I'm still going to maintain that NYC kicks butt, it's one of those other places that is going to get this first. Chicago, to be exact. Chicago? There must be some political BS going on somewhere because the idea that Manhattan (very small area, very dense, very wealthy, tech oriented population) is not the test bed for some sort of wireless broadband seems completely crazy. Let's see: a couple of ten million extremely affluent consumers with little to no choice in a service they'd be willing to pay close to $100/month for? Hello? Somebody please come take our money. Except not you Verizon. You stink.
- jim 3-28-2001 2:27 pm

My friend w/ the place on an island in Maine called "Vinalhaven" in the Atlantic (find Bangor, then follow the Penobscot river into the sea). 2 hr ferry ride from Rockland. They use microwave towers for broad band connection back to the mainland for their net comunication. Again the months with openings are July and September. I'd just like to get Manhattan public access cable shows in JC. Maybe one day I'll run coaxial cable x hudson via kayak.
- bill 3-28-2001 3:12 pm

i went to a wedding there had some fun and loved the area
- Skinny 3-29-2001 5:07 am

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