Like things could get any better. I think we're sprouting again. I've been hoping for this one since the beginning. Details to follow...
- jim 4-09-2001 6:46 pm

stop it with all the mystery shit!!!:>) what did MB do and whos the new member!!!!:>)
- Skinny 4-10-2001 11:48 am

- steve 4-10-2001 4:30 pm

No can do. I'm embargoed on the MB news and I don't want to be presumptuous about the new recruit. He (there, that's a clue) definitely gets the whole blogging thing and he definitely wants to do it. I'm just making the assumption that he wants to do it with us, but I guess that might not be right, so I'll hold out until I get him going. Another clue is that he has some claim to being the person who started me doing all this. I guess things eventually come around. Soon.
- jim 4-10-2001 10:47 pm

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