Hey F. are you out there? I need your email for the electronic part of our correspondence. I think it's on my unbootable computer. (jimb at digitalmediatree.com) Thanks.
- jim 4-11-2001 7:31 pm

Hey, who's "F"?
- steve 4-11-2001 11:30 pm

is he rank and file?
- dave 4-12-2001 3:12 am

This is so cool, I feellike I've been summunned by the emperor. I know all of you. Indeeed, Drat,Frag linked to you frm book notes makin you the most well connected person I know. But hey, let me make yer day in the other nearer.I'm gonna visit! Stv, was gladdened to here yer back in the crib&globalism didn't fame you out of reach of such rank & file as moi. love(is this a post proper?)
- guest 4-12-2001 5:28 am

damn lurkers. would someone please set this flamer straight?
- dave 4-12-2001 9:46 am

Thanks. I'm erasing that email just so it doesn't become part of (public) history. I'll write you later today. Great great great great great to have you around.
- jim 4-12-2001 7:01 pm

Geez Dave, between my Parkinsonianism & Early Onset Alzheimers I can posit only fatherhood as a credential. Dude, I do love you. I don't care if Bob Dylan is sick of love I love him too. Is this flaming? Is flaming a word, participle of the intransitive to flame, or is it a term that segues dangerously close to my nickname Frag. Semantic webs be callin' fer schoolin'.
- frank 4-13-2001 12:18 am

This is Flaming.
- alex 4-13-2001 12:40 am

i was going both ways with that one but i wasnt sure if you were familiar with the internet concept of "flaming someone".
- dave 4-13-2001 1:38 am

I'm familiar with the term but I'm not entirely sure what it it means internetwise. I spend most of my day conversing with a 3 year old . It's flaming dad, the lighter is flaming. Anyway, thanks fer yer patience.
- frank 4-13-2001 4:08 am

To flame. Don't think it applies here really.
- jim 4-13-2001 5:15 pm

This is Flaming.

- bill 4-13-2001 5:58 pm

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