Well, despite the fact that I thought it was Tuesday today, things are going pretty well. I still have work to do on the site I'm getting up now for unmentioned "real people" (I like to keep that dirty business stuff off this page) but it has clearly passed out of my stewardship as of today. Still a lot of work bringing others up to speed, but that mostly involves writing documentation. Boring, sure, but not the sort of work where suddenly everything can unravel and leave you back at the beginning. Hopefully with a strong showing this weekend I can have all the decks cleared for a Monday morning start in on getting this site transfered to the new software. I don't really know how long that will take, but I guess I'm hoping for May day at this point. Wasn't that some sort of deadline last year? Anyway, I still have to get the archives working, and the new comment pages are only threaded at this point, and of course they need to be nested. Those shouldn't take too long, but both issues can be sort of tricky. Still, May 1 seems like a good bet. After that we should be able to grow a little more quickly, although, as I like to remind people, growing just for the sake of growing isn't really the point. Still, I hope it becomes more fun for people as we go. You'll all have a little more power in the new universe, and who can disagree with that?
- jim 4-11-2001 9:53 pm

What "real people" who are they?
- steve 4-11-2001 11:31 pm

more fun !? more power !? uh oh !

- bill 4-12-2001 2:46 am

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