I think today might be a good time to try another round of meta bird watching. I've heard the rare Wilson Watcher might be in Central Park today. Maybe I'll head up and try to spot one.
- jim 4-14-2001 5:10 pm

Got him. And after only 38 minutes, starting the moment I entered the park. That's more than twice as fast as last time. Two for two. I guess the Kestrel we saw by the compost mountain and the red admiral butterfly were the highlights, although Alex heard some rare singing earlier in the morning. Nice day. Good to get away from the computer.
- jim 4-14-2001 11:28 pm

Next time, I'm going to be cryptically patterned.
And how about that turtle? (Still looking for a link...)
- alex 4-15-2001 7:15 pm

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