My friend J. wrote yesterday about us getting together, and I mailed him back saying I was around Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The fact that it was already 6:00 pm on Wednesday probably made that email a little confusing. When we finally talked I could tell he had that "are you sure you're ok?" sound in his voice. Yes, I'm ok. Just been concentrating a little too much maybe. So what if I thought it was Monday yesterday.
- jim 4-19-2001 3:03 pm

Today is Thursday, you up for it?
- alex 4-19-2001 3:07 pm

Yeah, I know, that's another problem with the missing a few days thing. Now it's already Thrusday. I'm up for the gathering, of course, but where? Should we revisit our roots and head back to the Local? I'll post to the group page...
- jim 4-19-2001 6:13 pm

I'm a gotta miss tonight. Sorry to break the winning streak. In for next week though. best rgds,
- bill 4-19-2001 6:16 pm

Monday is the day after yesterday
- jimlouis 4-20-2001 2:47 am

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