Booknotes is talking about an idea to enable "block blogging" of important topics (where many people link to the same story from many individual personal sites.) I don't quite get it. I understand what people are after is some idea that certain news topics deserve to be widely covered (maybe things that specifically don't get covered in the mainstream) and that all these personal sites can help out by jumping on the bandwagon and all linking to the same stories. But isn't that exactly what happens already? Without any news feed apparatus? I remember when people used to think all the link overlap was a bad thing.
- jim 4-19-2001 4:00 pm

cant say that ive figured out exactly what is going on over at booknotes, a will to power, or as they say, a desire to make a difference. the blog collective can move mountains, if we could only find a haRnaSS for its rope-a-dope scope. to e-mail or e-lope? a topical oinkmeant? a slashknot poliglot? a central server or a sentient searcher? plane down, no survivors. but seriously.....huh?
- dave 4-19-2001 4:58 pm

theme: greyblogs -- seen this one before?
- dave 4-19-2001 5:18 pm

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