To settle the wager from last night. Does 23% constitute ownership? In this case I'd say yes. 50 cents to Mr. Fink.
- jim 4-20-2001 3:25 pm

Well, AT&T owns less than a quarter of the shares, but I suppose that's a controlling interest, so I concede. I am annoyed to read that yet another web company I'm involved with as a customer is burning though its cash. So far that's Altavista ("we regret to inform you that our ISP will be shutting own soon..."), NetZero ("our new paid service offers many benefits..."), Xdrive ("Xdrive Express is terminating its operations to become Xdrive Plus, a service that, while no longer free, etc etc"), and nbci. One would think a cable-based subscription service wouldn't be so dependent on advertising revenue, but I suppose upper management has to live in the style to which it's grown accustomed.
- Tom Moody 4-20-2001 3:52 pm

you can donate my winnings to the save-a-tree foundation.
- dave 4-20-2001 3:52 pm

Nice thought. AT&T suggests the Save a Mega-corporation Fund.
- alex 4-20-2001 8:34 pm

Or we could just give it to Georgia Pacific and make everyone happy.
- jim 4-20-2001 8:38 pm

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