- jim 4-23-2001 8:40 pm

wheres the wine cellar??
- Skinny 4-24-2001 12:45 am

Are they making a door or a window here for the new office ?

- bill 4-24-2001 7:51 pm

It's going to be a door on the left side of that opening (about 2 steps down into the sidewalk, and then another 2 or 3 steps down from the door into the basement.) And then the rest of the opening will be translucent windows in the style of the 71CFF facade.
- jim 4-24-2001 7:55 pm

as i know you are a fan of my fascistic correctioneering, its "facade."
- dave 4-24-2001 8:12 pm

What will keep flood waters (or worse) from running down the steps into the new office?
- steve 4-26-2001 5:03 am

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