Right on. Douglas Rushkoff just solved (at least temporarily) one of the things that bugs me most about the web: The New York Times. I don't necessarily trust them, but I do like this paper. Most days I read the front section and the business section at my coffee shop. But they make it difficult for others to link to them, thus circumventing all the best results of putting their articles on the web in the first place. Anyway, Rushkoff points out in this article that the WAP version of the New York Times (that's Wireless Access Protocol, the standard devised for fitting the web onto the small display screens of cell phones and wireless PDAs) can be accessed by any browser at avantgo. You can get the Times here, and unlike some other back doors around the Times mandatory sign in, I'm not sure they'll be able to close this one. Or, at least, here's hoping.
- jim 4-24-2001 11:07 pm

you can also get a fair amount of the times at yahoo news. each subcategory has some times coverage.
- dave 4-24-2001 11:53 pm

Only the major stories and no search tool. Will the links last any longer ? Me ? I love the times.

- bill 4-25-2001 3:08 am

Yeah, my joy is a little premature. I guess there's no way those links are going to stay valid for any length of time. Still, I really agree with Rushkoff that those WAP pages are a joy in every other way. Clean, simple, and fast loading.
- jim 4-25-2001 6:01 pm

and easy to cut and paste. It takes a theif.

- bill 4-25-2001 6:17 pm

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