It's an Apple event day, which as hard as I try not to care, still gets me a little curious. I never thought much of the iBook, but the rumors about the new one which might be announced later today have got me very interested. Just how small can you make a laptop and still have it be usable? Apple had an old machine (years ago) called the 2400 which for many long time fans is the dream machine (although I had a Duo 210 that I thought had an even better form factor.) Anyway, this new iBook might finally fill the "small is better" longing. Super slim VAIO competitor, with powerbook-like titanium enclosure, 1024 x 768 12 inch screen, AND built in CD/DVD - starting at $999? Now, if they can just get those OS X updates out that would be a serious portable development tool. We'll see.
- jim 5-01-2001 3:09 pm

Well, they start at $1299, but you're probably looking at close to 2K to get everything you need. Not titanium, but they do look a little like the powerbook G4. Definite improvement, but nothing too spectacular. I don't think it's quite small enough (or cheap enough) to make a good case against the lower end Powerbook.
- jim 5-01-2001 9:17 pm

Here are 10 photos of the new ibook. Pretty nice, I think.
- jim 5-04-2001 3:24 pm

looks like major design back peddeling on that fab clamshell angle, thanks god. no longer availabil in mango or boysenberry !?

- bill 5-04-2001 7:39 pm

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