Today I am 2 to the 5th years old.
- jim 5-03-2001 1:53 pm

happy happy !!!!!!! we'll be seeing you later to help you thru this crisis. Go Jim !

by the by : If you want to figure out your age in dog years, I understand the factor has recently been revised from 7 - 1 to 6 - 1. Go dogs !

- bill 5-03-2001 3:04 pm

Happy birthday to you!
- alex 5-03-2001 3:28 pm

No yer not sez Ren, yer moo to the myth years old & pooh to the pith years old & new to the nith.... no nith is not a real exponent. If you want to learn how to play this exciting & challenging game just go figure & you smell like one too.
- frank 5-03-2001 3:46 pm

Go weave and spin.
- alex 5-03-2001 6:31 pm

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