Well, I have the new system up and running at datamantic.com. Plans are fairly fluid at the moment but I guess the idea is that datamantic is where I can quickly make people pages so they can try out the system while I try to convince them that they need their own dedicated server running this software. I'm trying to make sure there is a clear split between any potential business side of things, and the rigorously uncommercial site we have here. One page is already up and he seems pleased so far. More to come. And of course, we will get this site switched over very soon, as there are more people to add here as well, plus I know some of you (steve,frank) are waiting on me. Soon.
- jim 5-08-2001 4:59 pm

Are you keeping the name digitalmediatree.com?
- Tom Moody 5-08-2001 6:06 pm

Yes. Everything here stays the same. Of course, I'm always open to suggestions.

There is one piece of software that is deployed in multiple contexts. Digitalmediatree.com is our version of it. What happens here depends on some rough consensus from our community. I guess I facilitate things here, but I don't feel like I can just change things without getting the OK from you guys. I started datamantic just so I could have another version of the software in a place that I totally control for the purpose of convincing people to run even more versions of this same software on their sites. Datamantic.com will always have the most up to date version of the "commercial" software (i.e., I'll make changes to the software and test them on the datamantic site.) These changes will then be distributed to any (if any) paying customers who are using the software to run their sites. Digitalmediatree will be just one case of another site running the software, although a rather special case - special I guess because it's the one case I most care about. But everything here stays the same. If the software ever does become marketable, it would be done under the datamantic name, not digitalmediatree. Digitalmediatree is not a business, it's our personal site. (Datamantic isn't a business either at this point, but if any of these sites were to become one, that would be the one.)
- jim 5-08-2001 9:42 pm

U R THE BEST--joe is great too!!!
- Skinny 5-09-2001 2:38 pm

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