Welcome to the new page. Sure it basically looks the same as the old page, but it's new underneath. I was looking back over the archives and I noticed that it was exactly one year ago today that I started in with the old system. There was stuff going all the way back to the summer of '99 that was done through blogger, but thankfully those posts are no longer on line. I'm so close to putting this new system into place that I figured I might as well redirect to my page on the new system today. The /new will be dropped from the URL when I do the official switch over. Possibly as early as tomorrow.

The new post counters will be messed up until then for my page.
- jim 5-11-2001 9:42 pm

- jim 5-11-2001 9:57 pm

- anonymous (guest) 5-11-2001 10:16 pm

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