From Harold Cohen's website:
"Harold Cohen, former director of the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA), was an
English painter with an established international reputation when he came to UCSD in 1968 for a
one-year Visiting Professorship. His first experience with computing followed almost immediately, and he
never returned to London. Cohen is the author of the celebrated AARON program, an ongoing research
effort in autonomous machine (art making) intelligence which began when he was a visiting scholar at
Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1973."
Wired has a story on Aaron which has recently got the attention of Ray Kurzweil who has backed a free downloadable Aaron screen saver. It only runs on Windows. I'd be curious if anyone checks it out. (via /. and in an unrelated story the screensaver site is completely unreachable at the moment.)
- jim 5-13-2001 8:37 pm

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