Ended up in Brooklyn last night at Pete's Candy Store, a nice little bar with a beautiful performance space in the back. Saw a one act play, and a reading of another longer play - both by Nora Breen. Great stuff. Ignoring the potential dangers of classing up the place too much, Tom and I are on the mission of bringing her to the site.

Lots of familiar faces in the crowd. Practically a class reunion from the old Nation coffee shop on avenue A. If it wasn't for that damn monkey man I'd probably venture across the river more often.
- jim 5-18-2001 3:31 pm

i was in brooklyn last night too--wine event in prospect park--hang with lkb--rented summer of sam--terrible movie:<(
- Skinny 5-18-2001 4:10 pm

Hey, Jim, I just lost a fairly elaborate post on Nora's plays. I clicked add-a-comment after your post (it would have been ahead of wheel's in the thread, addressed to the topic of "nora" as opposed to "thursday night") and the whole thing vanished. I've noticed with the new system you can't always use the back button to go back to what you wrote before posting, so I'm screwed. Any thoughts on what happened?
- tom moody 5-18-2001 8:14 pm

OK, yes, there is a problem. I've "fixed" it, but this could come up again. I have to do some more thinking. I have your original post if you are interested in it. More on this later....
- jim 5-18-2001 9:20 pm

I reconstructed the post, on my page.
- tom moody 5-18-2001 9:22 pm

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