fascinating New Yorker article on Ultima Online, a massively multi-player online role-playing game.
"Finally, last year, U.O. gave up on the notion of self-policing. Britannia these days exists in two parallel versions, or 'facets'—Felucca, where killing other players is O.K., and Trammel, where, except under very limited circumstances, it is not. Four-fifths of all players choose Trammel."
And I'd still like some confirmation of these numbres, but apparently the video game industry is worth more than hollywood. (via robotwisdom)
- jim 5-24-2001 3:44 am

And those virtual gaming worlds described which had gamers using up, hoarding, and abusing their virtual gaming planets was an interesting insight.
- jimlouis 5-25-2001 11:25 pm

Same issue New Yorker, sorry no link, but hard copy, "financial," maybe around page 60, suggests that Hollywood is not that profitable, too much overhead with Jim Carey, Harrison Ford, and Adam Sandler!!? getting twenty million a picture.
- jimlouis 5-27-2001 7:50 pm

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