Yesterday we received an upgrade to our stereo system at Rivington. Apparently the mysterious Mr. X, who is occasionally among the guests at various social functions here, could not stand the $35 boom box we had been using for the past several months. And when he sets out to fix a problem, you can be pretty sure the situation will be fixed. He called it a "community upgrade" explaining that no self respecting party host can be without a good sound system - and if the host is too lazy to fix the situation, then the community has to step in. So we opened a few bottles and spent the afternoon testing the limits of our old JBL bookshelf speakers which actually sound amazing when you drive them with a Classe Audio Seventy amp and Audio Thirty preamp. It's like getting a whole new music collection. High fidelity. I hope the neighbors are as enthusiastic.

Then we took a short cruise around the city. Great day for a drive. Up the FDR and over the 59th street bridge. Then down to the waterfront in Queens where there is a nice new park looking back towards Manhattan. Spectacular at sunset. Mr. X seemed to be conducting some sort of business deal on my cell phone as MB and I looked on in awe at the huge stripped bass someone had just pulled from the east river. "Can you eat that?" I asked, and MB just shrugged her shoulders like "Well, I guess you can..."

Then we blasted back into the city for a meal at GSI, where thanks to the Wheel they seem to think I am some kind of wine importer. I don't straighten them out. Perhaps when they notice that we drink all our wine and forgo the spit bucket they helpfully provide they will figure it out. We met Sarah and her parents who are in town from Montana. Always nice to see them. The spicy squid with celery almost blew my head off. A fine day all around.
- jim 5-29-2001 3:35 pm

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