Clear background piece (that link will expire) on the free software / open source vs. Microsoft squirmishes that have been going on lately. I love this Eban Moglen quote:
"Microsoft, which used to say all the
time that the software business was ruthlessly competitive, is now matched against a competitor whose model of production and distribution is so much better that Microsoft stands no chance of
prevailing in the long run. They're simply trying to scare people out of dealing with a competitor they can't buy, can't intimidate and can't stop."
Yeah, O.K., that's maybe a little overblown. But how much? Think globally. Think about developing nations. Think about China. Think about Africa. In ten years which operating system is going to be globally dominant? Let's see: one that costs more than people in many countries make in a month, or a free one? Actually, Moglen's comment may not be overblown at all.
- jim 6-04-2001 5:35 pm

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