Well, we finally got the DSL in the office. Posting this over a (supposedly) 1.5 Mb/sec. connection. Seems pretty snappy. I just have it etherneted into one machine right now. Still have to get it connected up to the network so we can all share it. I've got a bad feeling that the way Verizon has set this up is going to make things a little difficult.
- jim 6-04-2001 7:16 pm

Getting about 50 - 60 KB/S (roughly .5 Mb/s) from most sites I've tried (that final fantasy trailer is awesome.) This site is fast too, and frankly, I was a little worried. Have to run a lot more tests. It isn't the advertised speed, but to my dial up adjusted sensibility it rocks.
- jim 6-04-2001 7:43 pm

It worked. I almost can't believe how easy that was. DSL to every workstation. Brilliant. We're using the Asante FriendlyNET FR3000. I don't have any other experiences, so possibly other routers are good as well, but this one was certainly easy to set up.
- jim 6-05-2001 2:30 pm

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