Random message board quote of the day:
"Now what? How do I install libmd? The directions at GNU-Darwin
seem to be for people who know what they're doing."
Ain't that the way?

Somebody should make a t-shirt that says: gnurd.

Must get away from computer. Goodnight.
- jim 6-05-2001 11:05 pm

Our names now occupy a space
together on wood s lot giving me
cause for an inordinate thrill of the
kind my kid has all day these days
best described as dots connecting
toward some better line on life & yet
some part of me will always miss
that anonymous us back in the days
when we lived on a caravan of dreams.
Here's to him & him, about as good
as readers get.
- frank 6-06-2001 4:37 am

Those were some sweet times (at least in retrospect.) Probably I think back to walking around Butte in my Sir Francis Bacon Smoking Jacket with similar fondness. I seem to remember sitting at the counter in some Caravan of Dreams like place having a carrot juice. What's happened to Butte since then?

You'll have to bring out some of the pixelvision footage from that trip if you visit and we'll get it digitized.
- jim 6-07-2001 12:43 am

Butte's dust blown about Butte's
wind was declared deadly until
Montana's new guv Judy (Wal) Martz
undeclared reality entirely. The
buildings remain empty; the pit
continues to fill. Queen has a
cousin over there called Spice.
A German wastetech outfit demo'd
a machine that took toxic mine juice in
one end & deliverd inert salts & clean
water out the other. Too expensive
said the guv; let them eat Butte. Rail
Link has begun generating power for
itself with old deisel locomotives.
A place where the buffalo jumps had
salmon runs awaits us still.
- frank 6-07-2001 5:47 pm

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