DSL is awesome. Downloaded limewire which is a great front end for the gnutella network (a decentralized file sharing network - like Napster, but without the central entity for the RIAA to sue,) and am presently listening to some tracks off the new Lucinda Williams album. We're going to see her tonight at Roseland. Good stuff.
- jim 6-06-2001 5:15 pm

lucky dog
- jimlouis 6-06-2001 8:48 pm

Did you see her at jazz fest? I think maybe you mentioned having missed it, but now I can't remember. She rules. And so does DSL. 109 lucinda williams songs (including lots of live stuff, like, for instance, her doing Positively 4th Street at the Bottom Line here in NYC) in the 12 terabytes of data I can currently connect to over the gnutella network. gnice.
- jim 6-07-2001 12:23 am

How are you listening, head phones, speakers, or can you patch into that nice stereo ?

- bill 6-07-2001 5:30 am

She’s from NOLA, isn’t she? Or am I thinking of Britney Spears? No, she’s English, that’s why you call her “Brit”, right? I always get those two confused.
- alex 6-07-2001 7:58 am

Lucinda Williams was good. As expected. Roseland is pretty big, and since we passed on the opening act we ended up not too close to the stage. Probably would have been more interesting a little closer. I rarely go to concerts because the benefits of actually being there are usually outweighed by all the hassles of actually being there. Just standing up in the same place for two hours almost renders this sort of thing out of the question. And then Heineken or Miller Lite? No thanks (O.K., I had a heineken, what was I supposed to do?) Still, I really wanted to see her. It's all my friend D.R.'s fault for sending me those bootlegs (which I think are better than the show we saw last night.)

But even with all that I think her new stuff is good. Most of it is slower, with a few harder tracks. The title track "Essence" is a little disturbing to me in its market calculation. That song might make Mick Jagger blush. But I can't really blame her. I bet it gets her to the next level (where ever that is.) Who can resist a tough, hard drinking country girl with a gravel voice singing about the pleasure of blow jobs? (Who was that Canadian girl who got big a few years ago with a similar gambit?) Or maybe it's not so calculated. Maybe that's just Rock & Roll.

She dedicated Drunken Angel to Joey Ramone. And she opened the show with a sincere sounding "thank you" to the crowd because, as she put it, "I know you could have gone to see Patty Smith tonight." Nice tip of the hat I thought. All in all it was worth it, but it's not going to get me back on the concert track. But I would definitely go out of my way for the chance to see her in a small club, with tables, and drink service. Unfortunately she's probably too big for much of that anymore. Maybe down in NOLA or something...
- jim 6-07-2001 4:57 pm

The DSL is in the office, so there is no stereo. For now I'm just listening through the tiny speaker in the computer (remember, I did use that box for months, so it's not so bad in comparison.) They make a lot of cool looking USB speakers to attach to a Mac, but also you can just use a standard mini-plug to RCA patch cord to hook into traditional audio equipment, and that's probably the way to go. When we move the office from the first floor down to the basement we will do something about the audio output.
- jim 6-07-2001 6:20 pm

Per the interview : LW's mom was from Louisiana and though LW herself did not spend all that much time in La, many of the most important things in her life happened when she was living there. - gooday

- bill 6-07-2001 7:48 pm

NY Post review echoes Jim's. Cheesy tabloid couldn't be bothered to post photo of LW sporting NY Dolls t-shirt.
- alex 6-08-2001 6:04 pm

Heard her at Jazzfest but was unable/unwilling to work my way through the crowd to see her. I have to agree about the hassle of concerts. I would like to see her in a small club too but even at the House of Blues, which is pretty small, where she played recently, before Jazzfest, you would almost certainly have to stand up all night, which sucks, or speaking of BJ's, you might be able to get one of the few seats that way, but...I'm not that big a music fan.
- jimlouis 6-08-2001 11:03 pm

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