Yes, this project is taking forever. If you look closely at the top picture you can see that the framework for the facade is in, and I think the facade itself will be up in the next few days. Then the plywood can come down and it will look relatively spiffy from the outside. As is obvious from the shot below that, the inside still needs a lot of work. But the ethernet is all strung (pic 3) so everything I care about is ready to go. I keep trying to get them to just move in, but they want it to look good, or something. Graphic designers; what can you do?
- jim 6-07-2001 8:29 pm

It looks great to me. Pay attention to graphic designers they/she know what is going to work amd look good too.
How about a convertible sofa as part of the decor for visiting Moms?
- jeanne 6-10-2001 9:05 pm

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