Paul Ford is my hero. He's released the code that runs ftrain, and has posted a page explaining the mighty machine he has built.
Anyone who wants to work on this code with me should drop a line. What's here is an enormously slimmed down micro-version of the original 9 billion lines of shit-code I wrote, and now that it's fast, I want to expand the features, create a core suite of small (PHP?) functions would would be able to auto-execute on each page to allow people to add content to the pages on an ad-hoc basis, and have about 30-40 different little tools to build to make a real, proper Web site publishing framework - tools that for some reason no one else seems to be bothering with...But I know you're all weak, all talk, and that losing your e-commerce stocks took your fire away and you won't actually be joining me in uncovering the possibilities of new narrative connections via the global Interweb because the Web isn't cool anymore. Assholes.... I refuse to forsake the Web I love.

That's it. All documents linked together, all in harmony, all with full knowledge of their place in the hierarchy, but so many possibilities for each to transcend its place.

- jim 7-01-2001 6:43 pm

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