While talking yesterday about my recent flurry of dreams I realized that while I occasionally (like yesterday morning) have dreams where I am in a fight with an animal, that animal is always a shark. For as long as I can remember. Maybe 20 dreams over the last few years (that is a complete guess) and never once with an animal other than a shark. Weird. And I hadn't ever noticed this. I can't even think of any other animals that have ever appeared in my dreams. Maybe bugs.
- jim 7-03-2001 2:11 pm

I had a recurring shark dream way back
where the shark was always swimming
in some elaborate motel swimming pool,
the kind of pool called indoor-outdoor ,
often steaming, & it was my duty to dispatch
it with a special weapon that had a sight
that gave a microsopic view of the sharks brain
& the object was to shoot only one special
pulsing neuron. I can't remember if I ever
succeded. Years later at my cousin's wedding
on Sannibel Island I saw a pool very much like
the one in my dream & was informed
that after a particularly turbulent hurricane
a shark had ended up in there & the fish cops came
with a special dart rifle to subdue & remove it.

- frank 7-03-2001 4:17 pm

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