Holy cow. David McCusker mentioned me, although I think he only saw the links page and not this one. I guess some internal navigational links would be good for that link page. Anyway, I couldn't agree more with him about being in awe of Matthew Rossi's writing, as well as his fonts being basically unreadable in Netscape 4.7. On the Mac I just turn off javascript and this makes CSS not work, so the fonts just default to my (much larger) setting. Works O.K. plus it defeats almost all pop up adds.

Very glad something here was of some interest to someone.
- jim 7-08-2001 5:01 pm

Jim, I'm sure you know that you're of interest to people. But I digress: if you need reassurance, think back to how you were one of the voices of sanity last year during that whole Fame Fatale mess.
- anonymous (guest) 7-09-2001 11:22 am

Well, I'm not sure what you are talking about, but thanks. It might even work better as reassurance with me not knowing, as now I can imagine all sorts of situations in which maybe I was the voice of sanity. Clearly it's all true...
- jim 7-09-2001 6:40 pm

- steve 7-10-2001 8:17 am

LMAO & began coughing & horked
up the idea that you should administer
awards for the lamest comments of the
latest increment, anonymously of course.
Jim, will you please shave your eyebrows.
- frank 7-10-2001 11:14 am

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