Well, I finally had the dream. I've been dreaming a lot lately (or remembering them in the morning at least) and it's seemed like it was coming, but somehow always just out of reach. Some people call it lucid dreaming. Anyway, I had a few almost experiences lately where I would be in the dream and something would happen which would make me think "hey, this is just like in a dream" at which point I would try to figure out if I was awake or not. What had been happening to me at this point is that I would either decide a) I really am awake (wrong answer Jim) or b) I'd just sort of forget what I was thinking and wander back into the dream.

Anyway, the other night it finally happened. I was talking to someone about some numbers and every time we would decide on something the numbers would change. Finally I thought "this is weird, the numbers won't stay put - it's just like a dream." And I think because I'd been talking a lot with MB about this event, and about how it might come about, I immediately realized, "I am in a dream right now." Nice. Except then I wasn't able to stay in there. I've read all these accounts of people getting to this point and then being able to take control of their dream narrative. Like you can just start flying around, or whatever strikes your fancy. All while being aware that you are in fact dreaming. I've always been a little suspicious of these accounts, but I'm sure it's possible for someone. Just not me. At this point anyway.

In my dream, after I realized I was in a dream, my surroundings just started to fade out. Everything became grey, blurry, and low resolution. I remembered reading something about trying to spin your dream body around in order to stay in the dream (like the sufi kind of spinning) and I even tried this, but it didn't work. In another moment I was awake. Still, I'm happy to report I got that far.

Do you ever wake up inside a dream and get to stay there? How do you do it?
- jim 7-09-2001 4:30 pm

Did you chug that old brown bottle
of vine yet? Not that it taught me how
to control anything but it sure made
me way more present in my dreams
including breathtakingly fluid running-
flying over forested canopies. I happen
to have stopped smoking a couple
of months ago which is not the same as
quitting & easier yet seemingly
semipermanent. Freed from the royal
shackles augmented by some bedtime
B-vites my nights have become huge
cavernous sleep-overs with grateful
dead people.
- frank 7-10-2001 4:33 am

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