Another example of the madness. Adobe has had Dmitry Sklyarov arrested! Expect more of this. Intellectualy property owners cannot secure their digital information, so the only recourse they have is to fight back with this sort of draconian police state mentality. Hey, reminds me of another no-way-to-win war that they keep fighting. Maybe we can get 50% of the population behind bars. Hell, let's just lock everybody up and be done with it.
- jim 7-19-2001 4:31 pm

nice first name--terrible crock of shit!!
- Skinny 7-19-2001 4:43 pm

Elcomsoft (Dmitry Sklyarov's employer) has finally been cleared of these charges. Excellent. Too bad for them they had to go through this incredibly long (and no doubt costly) process. This is a nice win against the DMCA.
- jim 12-18-2002 1:11 am

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