Saw this bizarre show (documentary?) on PBS last night about some women in upstate New York who talk to animals. Hokey, but I couldn't stop watching. It seems I'll believe most anything. Very funny show. All the animals are apparently deadpan humorists. I enjoyed the llamas especially. They were in charge. The woman doing the filming asked one llama if the llamas talk to people differently than the other animals do, and the llama said (through the woman translator of course) "yes, we talk on a higher plane than the other animals... we vibrate faster."

update: Whenever I don't do enough searching to find all the information I get scared that Alex is going to pop some words into google and show what a slacker I am for not getting the link in the first place. So, after a little poking around, here it is. The film is called Animal Attraction, and it's part of a series of independent films about New York called Reel New York. Unless you're in the area I don't think you would see this one. Reruns Sunday night at 12:30 on WNET (PBS channel 13 in NYC.)
- jim 7-21-2001 4:17 pm

Some books relating to interspecies communication :

Horses don't Lie, Mark Rashid

When Elephants Weep the emotional lives of animals, Jeffery Moussaieff Masson / Susan McCarthy

Love, Miracles and Animal Healing, Allen M. Schoen / Pam Proctor

Pack of Two the intricate bond between people and dogs, Caroline Knapp

Animal Grace entering a spiritual relationship with our fellow creatures, Mary Lou Randour

Animals as Teachers & Healers true stories and reflections, Susan Chernak McElroy

The Hidden Life of Dogs, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

- bill 7-21-2001 6:10 pm

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