Fun party at Joel's place in Park Slope last night. Seems like I'm making it out to Brooklyn all the time now. Regular frontiersman I am.

Saw a few old friends from college, including the amazing Liz, mother of The White Shadow, world famous over-sized Buick of many legendary road trips. Those were the days. Really fun to remember some of that. Seems like a very long time ago.

Most everyone was my age (within a few years) and I had to laugh at the tendency of those in their early 30s to go on about how old they feel. I've noticed that friends in their 40s (and 50s and 70s) don't do this. I guess you only make a big deal out of it when it's not true yet.

Anyway, made it back safely but couldn't manage the run to the beach this morning with MB and crew. Oh well. When you're as old as I am you've got to keep your skin out of the sun...

Are you enjoying your summer? Better get to it.
- jim 7-22-2001 7:20 pm

you'l be coming to brooklyn move often than ever if i have my way, i will get right on summer starting friday:>)
- Skinny 7-23-2001 1:14 pm

Your older friends just don't talk to you about aging. Everybody feels they're getting old, but we only see fit to discuss it with our contemporaries, as a form of commiseration. And if you don't think you're old now, just you wait!
- alex 7-23-2001 2:59 pm

i feel i was oldest when born and am getting younger by the second
- Skinny 7-23-2001 7:08 pm

We'll have to carry you in the end either way.
- alex 7-23-2001 11:03 pm

What's this "We" stuff? You were too young to carry him then and you'll be too old to carry him then. I vote that young Jim do all the carrying and wheel chair pushing when it's time.
- steve 7-24-2001 5:14 am

now your talking!!
- Skinny 7-24-2001 8:23 pm

He can carry my brain around in a jar.

- bill 7-24-2001 8:33 pm

Your chariot awaits.

- alex 7-25-2001 1:20 am

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