Blogger API. This is interesting. If there was any reason to we could now wire this system into blogger so that when you make a post here it could also (or optionally) send the post to a blogger account (and optionally publish it to the blogger page located somewhere else on the web.) I can't think of why we would do this, but it's early and I haven't even had coffee yet, so give me some time.

In any case, it's cool that he is doing this.
- jim 8-08-2001 2:07 pm

the update notification would be good for a message board on a wine site, to notify someone something has changed on their profile/message status, to encourage a repeat visit sooner rather than later.

That is if I'm reading this right, I'm still a relative newbie here.
- ted 8-13-2001 4:28 pm

Blogger is the first thing we used for posting to this site. It's a database service run on their servers. You go to their website and type posts into a little box like the one for posting here, and they add it to all your other posts in their database. But then they also FTP a copy of the most recent stuff (with what you just added) to a server account you must keep yourself somewhere else on the web. So it's cool in that the posting process is fairly automated, but in the end it's just a static HTML file sitting on a server somewhere. So no interactive features like comments or update notification.

So the API isn't doing too much at this point (although it will expand in the future.) It would just let me automatically send a post from this system into bloggers system. But I'm not really sure why I would do this. Probably someone more clever will think of one though. What I really want is the reverse, where a blogger account can be set to send an XML-RPC message to a remote server. I wouldn't want the whole text of the post, just the account id. Then other people could build external notification systems. That seems a more likely thing for someone to want to build then a new front end to blogger, which is what the present API allows for.

I totally agree that the notification of updates is a crucial thing. You can have this system send you emails when any page on the site is updated. Click [subscriptions] from any page and fill in your email. Unregistered people can do this too. That's true on the polaner site as well.
- jim 8-14-2001 2:14 am

so when i return to the polaner page that sent the notification - will it show me what's different - or what's been added/deleted, or do i have to find it on the page - using my memory of what was there in the past...?

This feature would be good on the retail side to show return visitors what's new in inventory since last visit.... if this could be done with a database??

the can of worms is officially opened.
- ted 8-14-2001 7:14 pm

If the visitor has an account on the system (like you have here) then yes they could easily be shown what particular thing on the page is new. If it's just an anonymous surfer who has entered their email address, then no, the system wouldn't have any way to know what they have and have not read previously.

Right now the system just sends an email saying the page has been updated (along with the URL of the page.) It could be easily changed to actually send the text of the update in the email notification. This would be in the direction of melding the system into something like a mailing list. This is one direction I am going to take things in.

In theory, this can all be tied into an existing businesses database system (I assume that's what you mean.) How easy or hard this is to do depends on how the business has their database (and computer systems) set up. My dream, although not necessarily something I would expect to be able to do, would be to convince these people to completely abandon their database systems (especially where those databases are not accessible over the web) in favor of this system (which can actually be quite flexible, and is itsef a database.)

Mmmmm, worms....
- jim 8-14-2001 7:48 pm

in wayana country worms are yummy's they say you fry em in a little palm oil and yuou got yourself some tasty more sales
- Skinny 8-14-2001 10:21 pm

Sounds like the wheel man is trying to push this conversation to the Sustenance page..... mmmmmm, fried worms, gotta be crunchy like fresh calamari right?

Which wine would you recommend with this delicacy?

Think I know the answer to that before the answer arrives - "any california wine" is my guess... :^))

- ted 8-14-2001 10:41 pm

a light toast on the outside with a rich creamy nu gut, they like the cassava beer, i would recommand a northwest coastal italian vermentino or better pigato ("..characterful, ancient Italian white producing distinctively flavoured varietal wines in Liguria. Perhaps of Greek origin. Just a few hundred acres remain." Jancis Bobinson)
- Skinny 8-14-2001 11:10 pm

will you have some available for us to sample tomorrow?
- ted 8-15-2001 1:28 am

just pirahna burgers and 200% new oak cali classics--look forward to seeing you--jim you showing up too i hope
- Skinny 8-15-2001 1:46 am

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