Noted Sci-Fi author Bruce Sterling has started a weblog.
- jim 8-14-2001 9:23 pm

One of many things I have to thank you for, Jim, is being able to say I started a weblog six months before Bruce Sterling did. I notice he has the same problem with his layout I've been struggling with: longer URLs push his copy towards the margins; in his case it overlaps the purple tile pattern and gets really hard to read!
- tom moody 8-14-2001 9:44 pm

i guess its me but i find the opening page somewhat prissy and dont find much of interest in weak one, good to be the king
- Skinny 8-14-2001 10:44 pm

equally impressive to all, no doubt, is that dratfink beat megnut to bloggerdom. she must have used some antiquated methodology prior to that because im sure she must have been around before us.
- dave 8-15-2001 1:20 am

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