Long interview with John Smart (of SingularityWatch) on AI, nanotechnology, and the singularity (via missingmatter)
- jim 8-15-2001 3:00 pm

Getting all your recreational reading out of the way so you can enjoy wine this afternoon - good move.
- ted 8-15-2001 3:27 pm

I don't think I'm going to be able to make it.
- jim 8-15-2001 8:17 pm

You missed an awesome tasting, 298 wines in all, the Italians stood out for me. I was a good boy and tasted through all the whites on all the tables first, then moved to reds and focused on Italy.

Ask the Wheel to share one of the Bussola Amarone's sometime, they rocked. At the end, the restaurant which had cheese and breads all day long, brought out hot dark chocolate chip cookies which were a perfect complement for the tawny ports and a late harvest mourvedre....YUM!

Incredible how this portfolio has doubled in size but quadrupled in quality since the Spring tasting. The wheel has an enviable day job.
- ted 8-16-2001 5:27 pm

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