I wasn't expecting the future for a few more years, but Senator Fritz Hollings (Democrat, S.C.) is introducing a bill that makes Richard Stallman's dystopian fantasies seem right on the money. And in case you don't know, that is not a good thing. The bill is called the SSSCA (security systems standards and certification act,) and you can read the staff working draft here. For those less legally inclined, here's the first paragraph (they don't even try to bury the outrageous stuff!):
(a) IN GENERAL.--It is unlawful to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide or otherwise traffic in any interactive digital device that does not include and utilize certified security technologies that adhere to the security systems standards adopted under section 104.
I'm utterly speachless. I've been trying to write something about this for a few days, but I am not able to do it without flying into a fit of rage. The effects of this bill would be so far reaching, and so completely devastating to "humanity" (at least in terms of how I think about "humanity") that it is difficult to sum up. Wes Felter offers this: "Anyway, general purpose devices would be essentially outlawed under SSSCA. Your PC's tamper-resistant TCPA BIOS would only load certified, DRM-laden operating systems." (Here's the entire HTP thread.) But outlawing linux (and most other open source software) is just the tip of the iceburg.

I know that crazy bills get brought before congress all the time, and just because it is a bill does not mean that it will ever become law. Still, I'm finding it hard to rely on the good judgement of others to keep this one from happening. Just who is in control here? I'm beginning to suspect that it is not human, whatever it is.

Here's the wired coverage.

Do you work for a large corporation? Are you sure that's what you should be doing?
- jim 9-10-2001 3:04 pm

jim you need to tell us what to do, whom to write to, how to act, feeling rage is one thing acting on it is another!!
- Skinny 9-10-2001 4:35 pm

I don't think there is anything to do. That accounts for the rage. By the time enough people realize what is happening it will be too late to do anything short of drastic and very dangerous last ditch efforts (I mean something like actually fighting it out.) Or at least that's how it seems to me lately. Writing your congressman is completely ineffective. Voting is completely ineffective. The system is controlled by big money, which means big business, which is the non-human entity I think is in control of our government. It is my belief that the group mind, focused through the lens of profit making, is anti-human in its instincts. We are going to have to confront ourselves very soon. All you can do is learn as much knowledge as possible while it is still legal to do so. And get ready.

Of course I've been charged with being an alarmist before, so take this with a grain of salt. I know my position is extreme, so probably it says more about me and my situation than about the "real" world (whatever that is.)
- jim 9-10-2001 8:01 pm

O.K., I'm better now. This probably won't pass (at least as-is.)

Still it bears some watching. Here's ars technica's Hannibal with a good short introduction:

...The SSSCA, in a nutshell, mandates that pretty much anything that carries bits and bytes will need to support some sort of (as yet unspecified) content protection scheme. Now your digital devices will be mandated to spy on how you use them, and since tampering with them to stop the spying is already against the law... welcome to 21st century digital serfdom, where you don't actually own anything in any meaningful sense of the word--everything you use for work and play is leased, and you can be evicted from those leases without a moment's notice for the mere suspicion of violating your terms of tenure....

- jim 9-10-2001 9:40 pm

i understand and we are spiraling down towards?? but as this is happening people like me try to do some stuff (donate money, write letters, talk it up etc) and all the while looking for the next good meal or wine, sleeping a soundly as possible--what to do?? just keep trying to enjoy the world before its over??....
- Skinny 9-10-2001 10:11 pm

Yes, I've been trying not to focus on this sort of negative thing. I believe giving it a lot of attention can turn into a self fulfilling prophecy scenario. It always seems like a good idea to enjoy yourself and spread the love vibe (as you do so well.) Still, I am occasionally reminded of the negative forces at work, and this reminder brings with it much sadness and even anger. But I'll be going out tonight and trying to have a good time for sure. What's the point otherwise?

- jim 9-10-2001 10:25 pm

jim i have really injoyed this conversation with you, i see/focus on the negative a lot, and feel i do little to help it, RTR either way:>):>)
- Skinny 9-11-2001 12:07 am

after your done not writing your congresman be sure to not vote too. just kidding really but I think there's a point in there ...somewhere. yes Alex ?

- bill 9-11-2001 1:32 am

Well, I don’t like to hear that Jim and Mike have a negative take on things, they’re the ones I always look to for optimism. I do believe there’s room for hope, as much as despair. We have a remarkable propensity for doing stupid, self-destructive things, but also a knack for pulling up short of disaster (OK, there’s a certain degree of ongoing disaster, but...)

The insinuation that it would be virtuous of me to vote is powered by the same side of the dialectic as the proposed law. The Social, as opposed to the Individual. Voting is the secular rite whereby we mediate the Mystery of individual/community. My failure to comply with the program is basically a result of alienation. Under the guise of choice, I’m being forced to make an endorsement I can’t abide. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write your representatives. Personal letters are said to be worthwhile, unlike email petitions. Probably the best thing you can do is talk to a pollster. Politics driven by “opinion” rather than “principle” may be the post modern antidote to Darwinian capitalism. It’s the end of the world as we know it, but nobody said this was going to be easy (unless they were selling something), and like I said, I’m an optimist, or at least I thought someone was. If you find out who, vote for ‘em.

- alex 9-11-2001 4:50 am

any reason to be negative?? today shows why!! and i'm afraid it isnt over yet:>(
- linda 9-11-2001 4:00 pm

I dont know about most knowing history so before i begin i would like to say something.... back during prohibition days the federal goverment made liquer and beer illegal. This resulted in an outragous amount of power for the well criminals. When they legalised it again the criminals lost that power and the money and influence they had over the populace. With these advertisments that say pot is a gateway drug I have to disagree. I lived most of my lie in europe and spent a good deal of time in Amsterdam, because pot was legal there. Now Im in the states and its illegal. I can understand the church belts point of view. how ever there is quite a diffrence form understanding and reality... seeing that America is at war bothe on drugs and terrorists, and alas if these terrorists are making thier money from pot as well as the criminal organizations... it would seem to me that to weeken their infulstructure and lower their cash flow while creating a new taxable pocket that our goverment should legalize this drug. From what I have seen in the past 14 years 75% of the populace is smoking it any way. The tax problem is quite simple I would think sell it the same way but they should package it in something like the cigrette packs and tax it like alchahaul. Any transpertation of product must contain a taxed emblem or must be weighd and the a taxable fine be paid or the revoking of drivers liscense as any thing else. If we take the power from the criminals then they will cease to function appropriatly and as well we will be taking the money away from any possible terrorist activities... thier very finances would be cut in half. But since this has been said I would like to leave with this in all the years I smoked it, it never led me to anything else. Plus I am the only one at my age that dose not have cancer when every one in my family gets it at a young age as well the only one in my family with 20/20 vision where all my family needs glasses at a young age. With this all said I have never seen the goverment come up with possitive proof of any thing bad from pot as well pot smokers are alot less agressive than the drinkers. As well as all the cops where I live say they would rather deal with a pot smoker than a drinker... and drinkers after so much start thinking thier 6 foot tall and supermen.
As far as the plant it cleans more air than a hard wood tree form what I understan as wall as provides hemp a very strong and durable materal. Crops could be registerd with the cities and game wardens then processed based on acres grown not plants grown. Besides it will grow any where and this will help the small farmer a little more... while possiblyu produce jobs and make cleaner air.
Thank you and good day... as far as I know all my info is acurate.
- anonymous (guest) 6-16-2003 7:28 pm

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