I'm O.K., if anyone is wondering.
- jim 9-11-2001 4:04 pm

Jim & MB . Hooray yer ok. Let us know if
we can help . Get that camera going. Love the ren hill walls
- frank 9-11-2001 4:08 pm

E and I are on the phone now and are very concerned. thank you for posting. Please be very careful. Both of you, all of you. This may not be over yet. I could not get you on the cell phone at all this morning. We both love you a lot.

From Mom: In hindsight, this is far worse than Pearl Harbor. This is extremely dangerous.
- jeanne 9-11-2001 4:42 pm

Diti, Alex and I are on Lispenard, a little too close to the action for my tastes.......we are fine however
- steve 9-11-2001 8:44 pm

jim: relieved to hear you are there and writing -- heard from joel too. sarah snuff & ruth?? ... I am just sick for the worlds that sank today. .. and all the hearts that will have to be dragged around... please take care ... love -- diana
- anonymous (guest) 9-12-2001 12:07 am

We talked to Sarah. She talked to Ruth.
Where's Snuff?
- frank 9-12-2001 6:00 pm

Hi Di.
- jim 9-12-2001 9:57 pm

Sarah says that Julie went to Cape Cod on Thursday.
- steve 9-16-2001 6:06 pm

Yes, that's correct. Sorry I never got back to this thread. Our friends Jamie and Joel have a software company (Datasynapse) and I believe several (maybe 6?) of their employees were at a conference above the 100th floor and are still missing. I may have some of these facts wrong, I just talked to her briefly and she seemed upset/distracted.
- jim 9-16-2001 6:09 pm

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