One new picture added to the World Trade Center photos. Also, I fixed the issue that was preventing some versions of IE on the Mac from seeing the photos. I'll fix all other pictures on the site over the next few days.
- jim 9-12-2001 11:17 pm

The wind switched from "north to south" to "south to north" around noon today. The smoke tasted quite foul as it stalled out briefly over head. The view here has cleared now and the void has set in hard. I walked down to the waterfront, as close as they would allow. I recognised many people from the neighborhood who used their day off to get in a close look. There were also many tourists and everyone was taking pictures. A couple handed their camera to a stranger to snap a shot of them posing infront of the smoldering smudgepot just across the river. Jim's shots here from the discrete vantage point of his roof are amazing and fully representitive of what Tom and I saw from about the same distance, but 70 digrees in another direction. Thanks for posting them.
- bill 9-13-2001 12:26 am

I tried to make my usual walk in Liberty State Park; it's being used as a triage area (actually a morgue), so Park Rangers were deflecting people at the entrance. I walked over to talk to one of them, who looked like a lawn gnome in uniform. He was really enjoying his moment of power, pulling out his walky talky every 30 seconds and bossing people around (even though there was hardly anyone around). "You can't stand here," he said rudely, before I even opened my mouth. "You have to wait behind that guardrail." I looked over and saw 8-10 people standing across the street with binoculars and cameras. I started walking over to join them and then turned back to the ranger. "I thought I told you..." he sputtered. "Excuse me," I said, "But you said 'wait' behind the guardrail. Does that mean you're going to be opening the park soon?" "No!" he said. "Then don't you mean 'stand' behind the guardrail?" I admit I did it just to see him get redfaced. I know I'm not a very good citizen, but tragedy has a way of bringing out the little Hitlers of the world, and I just hate 'em.
- tom moody 9-13-2001 3:48 am

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