I kept singing this song in my head as I was walking around today. Seems like a good one to be humming. Maybe I can put it in your head:

Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)
To guide and protect us on. (on)
If you hope good down from above, (love)
Help the weak if you are strong now. (love)

We don't need no trouble;
What we need is love. Oh, no!
We don't need - we don't need - no more trouble!
Lord knows, we don't need no trouble!

(We don't need) We don't need trouble (no more trouble) -
no more trouble - no more trouble!
Seek happiness! (...) Oh, ...!
Come on, you all and speak of love. (...) Oh, yeah!

We don't need no trouble;
What we need is love, now. (What we need is love!)

("No More Trouble" by Bob Marley from the album "Catch a Fire" - complete lyrics here.)

- jim 9-13-2001 8:34 pm

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