Thursday night I pretty much lost it. I felt so helpless. I think it was the initital shock wearing off. I've noticed that in moments of crisis I go into a very unemotional state of mind. Obviously this could be a good thing if the crisis calls on you to take some action. But by Thursday night it was clear that no action was really possible. No immediate secondary attack was coming. Few survivors would be found. Nothing could be done to make the immediate situation any different. Yet I really wanted to do something. Not being able to was very frustrating. And then this was all mixed with my growing realization about where we are headed. I was starting to see lots of writing on the web calling for war. I started to get very scared. And I sort of lost it. The emotion came out.

Yesterday I didn't talk too much. Today I think I'm out the other side of that phase. Now I'm just sinking into a deeper cynicism. We walked up to Union Square Park last night and it was absolutely packed with people. Completely filled. Candles everywhere. Everyone carrying signs with anti-war slogans: "Justice not war" - "Islam is not the enemy" - "stop the cycle of violence" - things like that. People singing. Huge cheers every time a fire truck went by. Workers covered in dust, draped in American flags, having walked up from the pile. Everyone looking each other in the eye. Tears. Hugs. Love. New Yorker's seem to get it (or maybe just the one's who would be drawn to Union Square to assemble.)

But I fear the rest of the country isn't going to share the peace vibe. And regardless, it seems clear our leaders do not. There is at least a fair chance we're headed into a massive global conflict. Somebody on the national stage has to step forward and ask the basic questions. How is it that our country is rich while other countries are poor? How? And the answer can't be that "we are the chosen people" or "we work harder" or "we are better." People are very mad at us. And even a cursory look at the world would seem to give some very good reasons.
- jim 9-15-2001 4:02 pm

Other voices:

NYC, Day 4.
- jim 9-15-2001 4:08 pm

Jason Kottke has lots of good links to both the mainstream press and the blog community.
- jim 9-15-2001 4:13 pm

Maybe there are some leaders. According to this Yahoo report, "Rep. Barbara Lee stood alone in voting against the resolution, which was approved earlier on Friday by a unanimous Senate." She said:

``However difficult this vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint. Let's step back for a moment and think through the implications of our action today so that it does not spiral out of control.''

- jim 9-15-2001 4:28 pm

jim i love this post--and i share same feelings!!
- Skinny 9-15-2001 10:27 pm

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