I guess Steve and I weren't the only ones to think about dropping food and medicine on Afghanistan instead of bombs. Still, I know it won't happen. Plus, it wouldn't necessarily work. Still, if we are in a struggle with a trickster like enemy it seems very foolish to react the way we are expected to react. Or maybe people don't know much about trickster spirits.
- jim 9-17-2001 3:31 pm

The US government is full of trickster spirits (CIA, Special Forces, Navy Seals etc.)
And I wager that some of these folks would love to run food and supplies to the Afgans.
I think it's the political branch of government who are ignorant of and or stifle the trickster power.
(despite the profusion of clowns)
- steve 9-17-2001 3:49 pm

I wouldn't be in favor of this as a clandestine activity.
- jim 9-17-2001 8:24 pm

Well, the CIA runs clandestine, covert and overt operations. I don't see how this could be done by clandestine means, nor covert for that matter but I'm no expert.
- steve 9-18-2001 12:26 am

Sorry, I don't know the correct terms. I just want it to be out in the open. Done by the regular military.
- jim 9-18-2001 1:29 am

Right, I think i agree.
- steve 9-18-2001 1:53 am

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