Bizzare article in the Village Voice about Laili Helms, niece by marriage of former CIA director Richard Helms, and suburban Mom living in New Jersey, who is the unofficial Taliban representative in the U.S. (via scripting news)
- jim 9-18-2001 9:45 pm

Did you actually see the story through this link? It's gone now. It's old; I thought I posted it at the time, but I can't turn it up through our search function. How far back does it search?
- alex 9-18-2001 11:04 pm

Well, I'm getting all sorts of errors on their pages, so I guess it's just more tech troubles.
- alex 9-19-2001 2:09 am

Here it was.
And now I see that search is case sensitive.

- alex 9-19-2001 3:17 am

Strange, I couldn't get it this morning either. Now it is working again though. Maybe the Voice servers were overloaded. Could be due to the worm making the rounds.
- jim 9-19-2001 4:21 pm

why is this reply on this thread? i had to hunt it down after i closed the window i had open. no matter. the cookie is from their org. maybe my computer is messed up. the cookie prompt would come up and after i pressed "no" another piece of the page would reveal itself. oftentimes i assume and rightly so that its the numerous ads on the page that are at fault, but obviously with AU this is not the case. some pages toss up a cookie for every page loaded. some, like this one, require 10 or 15 nos in succession. obviously this is a major pain in the ass. is there a better way to be cookie conscious w/o the hassle? i just got nortons clean sweep program. are you familiar with that?
- dave 9-19-2001 9:24 pm

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