Not so unusual I guess, but I've been having bad dreams for the last several nights. Last night the government was doing a test explosion of a nuclear bomb in Manhattan. I guess so we could see what it would be like and be ready. Sounds dangerous (I thought so in the dream) but we were carefully covering all our windows with aluminum foil, and this was going to somehow keep us safe. Strange. The night before it was a slow motion mid air collision between two riding lawn mowers equipped with giant fans (like those hover boats in the Everglades.) Two fat white suburban type guys were driving these craft over the city at something like one half a mile an hour. One was bearing down on the other, bumped it from behind, causing it to suddenly fall very quickly to the ground. Everybody was running around in the street shouting "Call 911! Call 911!" And the night before that there was a helicopter hovering over the city, slowly lowering itself to the ground. It was pitched radically forward, so the front window was facing the ground (but still somehow hovering) and when it got very close to the ground someone reached up and handed the pilot a sandwhich. Then the helicopter began to ascend, and a little way off the ground the whole thing exploded in a massive fire ball.

One other thing about the flying lawn mower dream is that once again I realized I was dreaming. I had a 5 dollar bill in my hand at one point, but then the next time I looked it was a 1 dollar bill, and then I looked again and it was a 10. I thought "Hey, that's like what happens in a dream!" And then I thought "Oh, I'm dreaming right now." I guess I'm primed for that right now, because all week, while awake, I've been wondering if maybe I'm not. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and look out the window and the towers will be right there where I expect them. Many times I've had to seriously ask myself "am I dreaming right now?"
- jim 9-20-2001 2:45 pm

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