There is no spoon notes that David Watson
[has come] to the rescue for Radio users who would like to add "autolinking" or automatic "backlinking" to their blogs. He's created a little webservice called "getReferers" that automatically generates a list of links to the sites who are linking to you. It then helpfully puts that list at the end of your page. Allowing your readers to see who is linking to you helps to put your comments in context
He (she?) also mentions what's different about my implementation: "By the way, I think the way JimsLog handles this referer feature is the best I've seen because it indicates referers by post." Thanks. I don't know enough about how radio works, but if you can script with it on the level of apache environmental variables then it's pretty easy to have your backlink system only activate on requests for specific posts, rather than general links to your page (for me, in my system, this just means watching for a numeric query string - like ?4454 on the end of the REQUEST_URI - which will always be a link to a specific post.) I'd love it if radio got this feature.
- jim 5-08-2002 7:02 pm

return to: jimslog

"...5/08.2 ..."

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first followed here: 7-28-2002 7:40 am
number of times: 2

"...Jimslog picks up the discussion on radio backlinking. I don't believe what Jim describes is possible in radio, unless perhaps you were serving your site off of the embedded apache inside radio, which I don't believe is a recommended configuration, at least not for sites ..."

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first followed here: 5-29-2007 10:10 am
number of times: 1