Photos from Butte Montana are up. Butte is my favorite city in Montana. At the end of the 19th century it was the richest city in the West thanks to the huge copper mine it was built on top of. Lots of wealth was generated, lots of different people moved there (over 100,000 at it's peak,) and lots of big ostentatious (for the non-coastal west at least) building went on. It feels urban. Even to someone from NYC.

Today it is incredibly toxic (double superfund site.) The copper mine became a huge open pit mine, and is now completely filled up with water containing all sorts of nasty heavy metals. This one mine single handedly endangers the drinking water of the entire pacific northwest. Trees wouldn't even grow in the valley until very recently. The people are strange, even to other Montanans. MB called it a "ghost city." We all loved it.
- jim 7-08-2002 12:44 am

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