Interesting, very technical paper on the Bitfrost security platform for Nicholas Negroponte's OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project.

I've always been skeptical about the OLPC, although, sure, it's a great idea (I just didn't/don't think they can deliver what they promised.) But this paper has value in terms of security thinking far beyond that project.
- jim 2-08-2007 5:17 pm

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"... onmousedown="return pk5(this, {baseparams:'t=p&d=us&s=bl&c=pen&i=&o=0&l=dir&sv=z6f537f53&ld=&ip=40478932&id=263f919d93593f03eb743efabe8adf9c&q=OLPC&p=1&qs=2202&ac=&ex=&g=63a7zcFHg8xEXK&b=bs&bc=&br=&tp=blr&en=blp&ec=10&io=3&ep=&eo='});"bitfrost securi..."

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