The new Wired (May 2001, yes I still read it sometimes) has an interview with Larry Roberts, one of the creators of the internet, about his company Caspian Networks who are supposedly making a next generation router that will "kick Cisco's ass". Anyway, in the article he says the following:
"They're [cisco, juniper, avici] using hypercube or hypertoroid topology, so they're limited to six dimensions.... I've been able to take more steps, to go into n-dimensional space..."
If anyone could explain to me how present network topology is in any way related to a hypertoroid (and you'll really have to explain because I'm a little rusty on my higher dimensional topology mathematics) it would be greatly appreciated. I know I know some people who could, but I don't think they're reading. Anyway, I love that shape and have always had the intuition (intuvision?) that it is important, but I don't know enough about these things. BUt that's the first time I've heard it mentioned.

Mmmm... higher dimensional doughnuts.
- jim 4-19-2001 9:06 pm

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"... jim  - ... Anyway, in the article he says the following: "They're [cisco, juniper, avici] using hypercube or hypertoroid topology, so they're limited to six dimensions ... ..."

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