As Janet might say: I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Walked back home on Saturday night from the soft opening party at 49 Clinton. Went right into the bathroom. Dropped my trousers in preparation for sitting down and heard a very loud ker-splash (or was it ker-splunk?) Yes, my digital camera had been in my back pocket. And yes, it was now at the bottom of the toilet. Needless to say, alcohol was involved.

This was so embarassing I didn't even tell anyone for a few days. Last night I spilled the beans at dinner. At least everyone had a good laugh.

Went up to B&H today because I really have to replace it. The press kit for the new place has to be done by tomorrow. Alex needs it for more park photos. Hannah needs it for Staten Island Yankee pictures. I took the micro drive removable storage card up with me because I thought there was a tiny chance that it might still work. Not a good chance, but at least a chance. And it's worth as much as the camera itself. I explained the situation to the guy at the counter. Not surprisingly he got a good laugh too.

"No I didn't drop it in a um..."

He popped the drive into a display camera, fired it up, and it works. All the pictures from Saturday are still on it. "You are lucky" he kept saying. I think about 12 times. Finally I had to say, "Can you please stop saying that?"

"O.K., but you are lucky."

The new camera is a little bit bigger and a little bit better than the last one. It's too big to fit in my pocket, but in light of how I ruined the last one that's probably not a bad idea.

Feel free to get a good laugh too.
- jim 8-15-2001 9:25 pm

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