For the few people who read this page, get ready to start reading lots about decentralization. This whole episode has made a few things clear. One is that we need a different telecommunications infrastructure, and it has to be radically decentralized. (Try this Google search for "ad hoc mobile wireless" for an idea.) The NYC cellphone system was not up to the task (although it didn't go down entirely which was nice.) If there had been more panic (like, say, if there had been credible rumors of biological agents on the planes) it would have been necessary to have better communications. We know horrible things can happen. Being prepared with the proper communications technology will make a big difference in the aftermath. The blogging community did a good job, but there's more we can do with some better planning. I can relate to what Dave Winer is saying: "While all this is going on I'm getting tons of ideas for how the software can work better to link people together in time of crisis. It's also a time of great opportunity. Keep your eyes and ears open, observe, and share what you learn."
- jim 9-13-2001 4:31 pm

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