I don't know if he wants me throwing his theories around the internet, so I'll just say that my friend B., who seems to understand more about this stuff than anyone else I know, was scaring me again last night with his near future mid-east scenarios. He thinks Bin Laden is probably already hiding in Pakistan under very tight security, and that his big play will be to show up in Mecca where he will start preaching against the infidel. We cannot bomb Mecca. It will be exceedingly difficult to go in there and get him. And of course, the infidel is not just the west, and not just the jews. It will also be the moderate Islamic leaders. And what might his rallying cry be? How about: seize the oil fields.

Probably he would need us to strike the holy land a few times first to get people really upset or else the Saudi royal familly will be able to stop him themselves. This rubs up against the well circulated ideas of Mir Tamim Ansary who thinks the U.S. is being led into a trap. And I think Bush's use of words like 'crusade' show that he is taking the bait.

(Here's a map of Saudi Arabia showing Mecca on the west coast by the Red Sea.)
- jim 9-18-2001 2:52 pm

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"... jim  - ... We cannot bomb Mecca. It will be exceedingly difficult to go in there and get him. And of course, the infidel is not just the west, and not just the jews. ... ..."

from page: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=bomb+mecca&b=201&hc=0&hs=1&xargs=
first followed here: 2-12-2003 2:09 am
number of times: 1

"...3. Jim Bassett's Weblog ..."

from page: http://search.yahoo.com/search/msie?p=saudi+royal+familly&o=1&m=i&a=fd&ei=UTF-8
first followed here: 8-27-2003 9:34 am
number of times: 1