BigHead In The Morning
BigHead is not a handsome cat but he is a survivor, which is a thing to admire at least in the sense that surviving against the odds is inspiration to those of us who may occasionally seek inspiration. "Hello BigHead," I said to the black and white tom lounging this morning on my front steps. BigHead immediately got up off the steps and walked across the driveway towards the now out of commission Dodge truck, aka yellow beast. "So how was your night?" I asked him. He faced me and paid attention, which I knew he would continue to do as long as I did not move from the porch towards the steps. BigHead does not flatter me and I do not flatter him, yet we coexist peacefully. That's to say I don't throw rocks at him and only yell at him when I see him spray objects of mine I would rather he did not spray. His head is not so much big as hard looking, and the white areas of his short hair are smudged with street grime and the black spots are dull matted blotches. His markings, that is the contrast of black and white colorations, are not really that pleasant to look at. Kitten has good markings, BigHead does not. BigHead's head this morning was marked with mean looking scratches, which is not that unusual.

"You and that yellow bastard were going on last night weren't you?"

BigHead blinked.

"What's it all about?"

BigHead stared.

"By the way, BigHead, are you pissing on my Mexican Heather?"

BigHead drowsed.

"You know, I don't object to you to home basing under this house. I like you okay. I respect you. I wouldn't go so far as to say I love you but it could happen. The thing is, when you conduct your wars under the house it upsets Watchdog and that new puppy who stay by him, Watchdog Jr. I try to sleep at night, and if I don't, let's say because I was kept awake all night by dogs barking and cats fighting, well, then the next day at work I'm all wiggy."

"Wiggy? What that is?" BigHead asked.

"You know, out of sorts, cranky, disoriented, pissed off, tired."

"Oh man."

"I need to work, that's all, It's what I have to do. And I have to be rested for it."

"Wow, ouch," BigHead said.

"So can you like not do that?"

"It's not really up to me," BigHead said.

"Yeah sure, I know, if that yellow bastard would just stay away..."


"But you have to help me here, babe."

"Whyn't you just chill?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know man, chill, stay home, sleep all day, run all night. Know the ladies..."

"I really don't know."

BigHead chuckled. "Well, you should think on it is all I"m sayin'. Look, I gotta roll, find some shade somewheres, and crash. I'll talk atcha."

"Well, yeah, okay, I need to be getting to work, so Ima go too."

"Cool. Look Slim, I'll try 'n kill the yellow bastard next time, that'll slow him down."

"Yeah, good one, slow him down, I bet, but no, don't do any killing on my account, I mean you don't have to kill him."

"Oh yes Slim, I do."

I had to go. I moved toward the steps and BigHead hurried under the truck.

"Slim?" BigHead called after me.


"You ain't gonna say nothing about the eleven-year old girl who opened her door in Eastern NO and took an AK-47 round to the head?"


"Why not? I thought that was your thing. Rocheblave Slim, death reporter." BigHead was wearing one of those cat smiles.

"You are picking a bad morning to piss me off."

"Hey, too bad about that fifteen-year old boy the cop killed the other day."

"You aren't saying the cop was wrong for that?"

"I ain't sayin' nothin'."

"The kid was walking down the middle of the street with a semi-automatic in each hand! At 9:30 in the morning! When the cop approached him he fired off several rounds, missing the cop each time. He was close enough so the cop is deaf in one ear. The cop did what he was trained to do. He's not at fault."

"Slim, calm down man. Who's to say where the blame lies? It's a difficult question. You takin' this shit too personal. People die everyday in many different ways. In the final analysis, what difference does it make how they die.?"

"It matters. That's a stupid thing for you to say."

"Perhaps it is my lacking of grey matter that causes me to think so simply. If I had your quantity of cells who knows what I might be capable of?"

"I've gotta go. You should stay away from here for awhile."

"Whatchu mean by that? What would you do, Slim, given the inspiration and the opportunity?"

- jimlouis 7-26-2002 11:34 pm

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